Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Marrying off 'babe'
Karin Spencer married Rusnak Auto Group/Pasadena up side down/alrevez;therefore we are now getting married Right side up and everyone around has benefitted from.our story because of our Awesome 'allgirl'! Written for 'karinsita' in proprietary ways by Rusnak's legal team.....
Rusnak | Arcadia | Authorized Mercedes-Benz Dealer | Arcadia California

Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Funds;Funding;Funded in 5:4 Prophetic/Magnetic
Right side up!Because its in the 'Mis' that you get the 'Mas' and how us/is #1 through a transfer of power confirmed in mystery/discovery by Mitchell & Matthew in the 5:4 because predestination continues encapsulated in the 5th.....And there us/is much more wanting to be with Heavenly Father proved its greater to be IN the Presence of God and hope for all who have gone!
Watch: First Lady Michelle Obama Reads "Twas the Night Before Christmas" | The White House

Friday, December 21, 2012
To gain or to loose AS 1 King Hero Right Side UP Folks
Because I have always been to gain or loose thus the USA because it is/us that big in/on proportion in all unique predestined one of A kind predestined to live In joy peace safety security in wealth because I have already been there done that the scars tears past to prove it move to the funded

Eric marries Karin Spencer
'Porqie una Reina hace lo que Le da la gana'ME Guatemala CA Apostol Sergio & Leti Enriquez - Queen Karin Spencer I was coined by Pasadena/South Pasadena they honored karinsita;allgirl;karin spencer;babe;baby;all of 'me' in everything and all I am they marry karin spencer first without changing her last name And it is to their honor for all the funding because they are #1 in all they fix all as we progress in all the stated physical events that need to transpire!!!!! Honoring all Christianhood encapsulated with God/President Obama and first Lady Michelle Obama.all works for goid IN/ON Christ always Right Side UP!!!!!
Christianity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Reconstruction Not A lifetime Event
Last few days in South Pasadena moved to Pasadena And back in the field B to B and networking with all my accociations;chambers;meetups;mixers;etc...See everyone soon all who I represent;honor etc back to all my roles And I am inviting all to my wedding!!!!!
Karin Spencer 1120 Huntington Dr South Pasadena, CA 91030 (714) 642-5040
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
For the leasing;the sales the specials Google Rusnak Autogroup And find us online...
Rusnak Porsche 10970-10990 Wellworth Ave Westwood Los Angeles, CA 90024

The funds;funding;funded
Because I can;Because I do and balance with exceptional sklls;training;expertise;professionalism... And the balance has been achieved God;Marriage/kids;church;business;non profit;school. Because it has been like this like that since I was A teenager always making president's club And exceeding quotas!!!!

The funds;funding;funded is ON
Because I can;Because I do and balance with exceptional sklls;training;expertise;professionalism... And the balance has been achieved God;Marriage/kids;church;business;non profit;school. Because it has been like this like that since I was A teenager always making president's club And exceeding quotas!!!!
Citibank Online - Sign On: Bank Accounts

Monday, November 26, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
After the Funds Funding Funded Comes IN
KK Because Everyone has A #1;A favorite And All compete but the Maserati is superior And IN All its ways And that is why Rusnak sells;leases the Maserati!!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012
IN the funding And ON time please
Because you asked what is the difference between the test drives And I will soon let you know but in the meantime come to the showroom to inquire And be a part of the Grand Opening...

For the funding to take place
12:12 the 4th dimension is sealed;proven;consumated at marriage of Karin Spencer/Eric Satchwill\me And in the presence witness of all interested parties accordingly in order to move to the 5th see reference"looper" And 2013 was swallowed up with 'sam I am' 2012 is december And A mystery indeed!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
After the. move forward
Because the order of the day in how karin spencer's life is to be is designed by Her Heavenly Father who predestined Karin Spencer a special creation unique for this time;for good;for blessing;for joy;for peace;for funding; for all functions already stated. Karin Spencer is like no other woman because it was predestined areanged designed and restored with all who assisted since birth with various gifts And talents to be a blessing to all And A Woman who is indeed predestined to be married because it is a pre arranged marriage And predestined just like the old days but for good And nor forced but because I am indeed IN love with Eric Satchwill And yes it was spiritual And for those IN Christ its understood. Giving honor to GOD\ME Eric Satchwill/Karin Spencer/me;Aveda/Hasblasy Guzman/Rusnak!!⪫=35.1630143&lon=-118.6346701&L=&pos=100
To Announce
To Announce that I will be renaming my previous association on Linked In accordingly And to reflect all legal non profit coordinating filings will proceed...
National Association of Sales And Marketing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Great selection of gifts for the holidays...
Porsche Boutique 325 W Colorado Blvd Pasadena Pasadena, CA 91103