Thursday, June 6, 2013

Allgirl Belongs to a few who believe in her God/3:1 Prosperidad{Beamer}[Porsche]

te li dije!!Wow!!Si se cale!! Honor to whom it is due!!Obedience to an All Knowing God/Creator the rest is Absolute Love completely Absorbed in Her Ministry/Sons/Family/Friends/Colleagues/Associations!!El Señor nos la dio gozemonos con ella is not what you though!!It is how are you helping Karinsita help you by yo se que EL Señor la va a levantar!!How are you treating The muy literal?The spiritual daughter?The mommy who breeds Apostles for real en el mundo y LA Iglesia now all compete for spots!!Tomboy's faith was exactly that believe actions follow!!Conversation and @ your level to humor her not so look in the mirror you are humoring yourself etc etc and the list is endless!!Mitchell/Matthew are part of the amazing strategy look out for like your #1 sons in yes is yes it is the right thing to do!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sales and marketing finally united as one!

Yes Yes I saw it!!And how could I resist because it goes this KM@ How do you sell;lease that?For my generations new college students have you spoken to them???  Ask 'karinsita if you please because its in the tease to please!  Maybe And on Tuesday.Because I cant do lunch and I am to busy to even call or text you.....

Rusnak Arcadia