Thursday, June 6, 2013

Allgirl Belongs to a few who believe in her God/3:1 Prosperidad{Beamer}[Porsche]

te li dije!!Wow!!Si se cale!! Honor to whom it is due!!Obedience to an All Knowing God/Creator the rest is Absolute Love completely Absorbed in Her Ministry/Sons/Family/Friends/Colleagues/Associations!!El Señor nos la dio gozemonos con ella is not what you though!!It is how are you helping Karinsita help you by yo se que EL Señor la va a levantar!!How are you treating The muy literal?The spiritual daughter?The mommy who breeds Apostles for real en el mundo y LA Iglesia now all compete for spots!!Tomboy's faith was exactly that believe actions follow!!Conversation and @ your level to humor her not so look in the mirror you are humoring yourself etc etc and the list is endless!!Mitchell/Matthew are part of the amazing strategy look out for like your #1 sons in yes is yes it is the right thing to do!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sales and marketing finally united as one!

Yes Yes I saw it!!And how could I resist because it goes this KM@ How do you sell;lease that?For my generations new college students have you spoken to them???  Ask 'karinsita if you please because its in the tease to please!  Maybe And on Tuesday.Because I cant do lunch and I am to busy to even call or text you.....

Rusnak Arcadia

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hey Hey did you see this:

Marrying off 'babe'

Karin Spencer married Rusnak Auto Group/Pasadena up side down/alrevez;therefore we are now getting married Right side up and everyone around has benefitted from.our story because of our Awesome 'allgirl'!  Written for 'karinsita' in proprietary ways by Rusnak's legal team.....

Rusnak | Arcadia | Authorized Mercedes-Benz Dealer | Arcadia California

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Funds;Funding;Funded in 5:4 Prophetic/Magnetic

Right side up!Because its in the 'Mis' that you get the 'Mas' and how us/is #1 through a transfer of power confirmed in mystery/discovery by Mitchell & Matthew in the 5:4 because predestination continues encapsulated in the 5th.....And there us/is much more wanting to be with Heavenly Father proved its greater to be IN the Presence of God and hope for all who have gone!

Watch: First Lady Michelle Obama Reads "Twas the Night Before Christmas" | The White House

#1 - Rusnak Auto Group: Cc Did you hear about Eric/Henrik and then there was 3 4 5.....

Friday, December 21, 2012

To gain or to loose AS 1 King Hero Right Side UP Folks

Because I have always been to gain or loose thus the USA because it is/us that big in/on proportion in all unique predestined one of A kind predestined to live In joy peace safety security in wealth  because I have already been there done that the scars tears past to prove it move to the funded

karin spencer - Google Search