The Awesome news with what happens as my body adjust and Eric/Karin's engagement party comes about is that we will indeed celebrate two things
1) We can have babies defying all odds
for new species
2) Karin's body has naturally started the process to change because it happens Spiritually first and it began in 6/12 Supernaturally With Eric 8 and In Christ;In Love governing 12!! We are waiting for victory knowing that not all Hope was lost! 13+++...
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Victory is here now!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
New Beginnings completed in all in all
Sunday, August 26, 2012
New Beginnings Continue Reprogram Folliw Current Status 0 Regression
New Beginnings Prosperity Now Funding Funding Funding
Because Inventions take time and they require funding I see 2014 but 2015 will mark the year because funding has been release to the one and only that can set the awesome example for God's Glory: New class from the top down consult the voice of the experts in all level in all realms in a multi: societal;generational;cultural state of anastasias because they appeal to all in all!! (2013 does not count because of [me+1] fulfilled it & ME covered it in a spirit of love forgiveness and excellence @ 202%!!
Cayenne Overview - Models - Home - Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG

Saturday, August 25, 2012
New Beginnings Prosperity Now Continue;Extend;Expand
Because you made your election sure and power was bestowed and fully exercised upon a finished victorious race...Because you have indeed heard the cries of a spiritual firstborn unique daughter!! I will vote Democrat and it will be a first for a Republican like me!!
New Beginnings Prosperity Now Continue;Expand;Extend
Because the funding during Christ's resurrection was not like perhaps an 'in n out' or 'chuck a flick' they were nevertheless used of God to bring about prosperity to the church...
New Beginnings Prosperity Now Continue;Expand;Extend
Yes! That would be him, Eric. Like him there is no other!
Eric the Victorious - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
New Beginnings Prosperity Now Continue;Expand;Extend
Watching still with many interruptions because I have to attend to my baby but I love it because I am in love with him and only him and he loves to hear me say it!!
Watch "La Restauracion De Sion (Estudio Pastoral)" on YouTube
New Beginnings Prosperity Now Expand;Extend;Continue
Because it is all in the name 'Who am I?' Karin the name of the foundation where all the monies of Israel come from and I am the Spiritual Israel:Order what happens in Heaven Happens on earth. It will be the marriage of two super powers but in Their Right Functions/Roles for Gods Glory in a predestined state that has already been decided!!
Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
New Beginnings Prosperity Now Continue;Expand;Extend
Calvary Chapel Tel Aviv 1107 Fairoaks Ave #873 South Pasadena, CA 91030 (714) 642-5040
Nrw Beginnings Prosperity Now Continue;Expand;Extend
Because you asked and in an eloquant fashion...In an atmosphere of business to business & outside sales along with countless networking groups you adapt to all;however, there is a very careful balance and based on my integrity;performance;high level if discretion it is always addressed in keeping the balance in s multicultura;muktigenerational;multisocietal perspective only discerned and accurately executed/fulfilled in me & ME...
Intelligence analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
New Beginnings Prosperity Now Continue;Expand;Extend
Because you called and I wanted to put your mind at ease that all matters pertainibg to the church at the state level will be handled and addressed accordingly this weekend. It is a matter of redrafting the paperwork. Blessings!!!
Friday, August 24, 2012
New Beginnings Continue;Expand;Extend Prosperity Now
OMG!!! prosperity days my Spiritial Father and Mother honoring me & ME and so it is!!! This makes me shout within!
Watch "Los Sonidos De Las Trompetas" on YouTube
New Beginnings Continue;Expand;Extend
Here in Spirit with my #1 guy in spirit and this is an awesome mystery that makes me LOL!!!
Iglesia De Cristo Ministerios Ebenezer 8106 San Fernando Rd North Hollywood Sun Valley, CA 91352 (714) 642-5040
New Beginnings Prosperity Now Continue;Extend;Expand
For all 'Icons' there will never be another like Michael Jacson;therefore, care must be reforned to include a minimum of two doctors and an accountable group around personal care. Let us never again loose what can never be replaced for many tears and much sorrow was felt worldwide even still...
Michael Jackson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
New Beginnings Prosperity Now Continue;expand;extend
Going Going Going to see my Porsche at Rusnak Pasadena!
New Beginnings prosperity now Continue;expand;extend
This is true on all levels and becsuse Not everyone reaches their complete destination.I was born to complete @101% in everything NO exceptions!!! In predestination in a decided state to prove therr is a Living & True God living in me+1 & ME and the question still needs to be asked and hero status will be complete!!
Conditional preservation of the saints - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
New Beginnings Continue;Expand;Extend
And I am a a woman under 'self control' because I am a Christian and I conduct myself accordinglty. I always have and I always will and lastly because really things are Not always what they seem.and so it is true as God created All:to a pure;innocent;child like mind everything is possible and everything is well intended in a Spirit of Love & Forgiveness!!!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
New Beginnings Continue;Expand;Extend
In meeting with my goals and achieving;accomplishing;fulfilling this is the application to register your information and check inventory:
New Beginnings Continue;Extend;Expand
And to answer concerns from everyone everywhere about anything: I have claimed to be a Christian for 20 years but really I have only recently woken up to truly understand it somewhat and live it for the past 4 1/2 years and differentiate between intense legalism to legalism to moderate legalism to just being in Christ working through my salvation in reverence to God making all the mistakes;errors;learning;growing gaoning wisdom;understanding;knowledge. As I live and breath:I am a Christian in Christ with awesome new perspectives for everyone in a multigenerational;multicultural;multisocietal world. I am greatful of what I have gone through because it is through all of it I am now an excellent example with a brand new life:marriage:church:family& communities & friends:career:businesses:school:non profit:
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Bee Beginnings Continue;Expand;Extend
And I laugh and perform as any soldier going into the battle that needs to face the war and finish defending all that has been appointed to her and knowing that her life has no reason without any goals/functions/roles to accomplish. I have always asked of my pastors/God/parents am I finished in this dimension because if I am finished +at points of complete utter pain) I belong to My Heavenly Father if my work on earth is done. This is to prove there is a True and Living God so if you see [me+#1] & ME and you see my All my goals accomplished inspite of absolutely all the odds/obstacles/impossabilities then it is proof enough. If you dont see me then I have gone back to God!
New Beginnings Continue;Extend;Expand
Ok...Since you all are my communities that have brought about all the changes because God moved on your hearts to do so and as a collaborate force you have molded me with some key people within my very close circle of influence I need you to assist [me +#1] & ME in getting back into society at a greater level of influence but super polished because of all my professional contacts political contacts christian contacts require it so. I have performed with Excellence as you have known me: So where I am at is very skiddish of any confrontation at all levels;very limited communication except for business because it is Not personal and only desiring face to face still knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will accomplish all my goals at the appointed times because I exist for them to accomplish @101% minimum with absolutely No exceptions...
New Beginnings Continue;Expand;Extend
Thank you everybody for just erasing texts;emails that are caught in a string of a process of deprogramming;rewriting;erroneous strings;hacks:etc...I have been asking for apologies for all these burdensome parts of new technology and wilm continue to ask until someone invents a better way! Being a part of a nationwide and international network of business;professionals;friends I ask for you to disregard erase all communication that does not seem relevant or appropriate to you or if you feel they are overdone etc.!
New Beginnings Continue;Expand;Extend
For everyone that keeps;inquiring;asking I have been at the same energy since I was 14 years old All with the same priorities. I was built;made;to fulfill accomplish All in All. There is a purpose for my life in my genetics;personality and In Christ my powers and energy have multiplied. Everything I need to exist must continue in the same manner as I wad when I was married except now I will be enjoying my life with my #1 guy in this order:
1) God - Heavenly Father
2) Marriage #1 guy ( personal lives integrated;exercise;social lives;interindependent)
3) College kids - example distant instructio
4) Church ME;Calvary Chapel
5) Career
6) Businesses
7) Non Profit
8) Travel
New Beginnings Continue;Extend;Expand
Because 'Sales & Marketing' Run as one we have to meet quotas at 101% but since we are of an Excellent Spirit and Mind we exceed quota to 233%. And so it is in a marriage two become one and run like two rivers together to unite as one and fulfill All they were predestined to accomplish.
New beginnings In Christ Continue;Expand;Extend
Because in life we play many roles and sometimes we interchange roles within our gender: Who is playing who?
Abbott and Costello - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
New Beginnings Continuing;Expand;Extend
To Answer: I know what my goals are and I heard your criteria to acquire one. I will buy my Porsche From Rusnak in pasadena, California!
New Beginnings Continuing;Expand;Extend
To answer: Have I been upset;angry;disappointed with my spiritual 'house' and my 'spiritual parents' - How does a firstborn;favorite; youngest daughter act or acted throughout her life/stages???
New Beginnings Continue;Extend;Expand
It is a great day to continue in Christ because sales and marketing go together as One. Living the Supernatural in me & ME...I thank God for my communities;Church;Family and friends for moving upon your hearts to thrust me forward! Love;hugs and a kiss to my #1 guy.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
New Beginnings;Extend;Expand;Continue
And lastly I thank you everybody everywhere for everything good...I have never imagined life could be filled with such goodness;kindness;thoughtfullness by my Communities;Family;Church and friends. I am greatful for even the smalllest of details for your spiritual daughter;sister and wife to be to an amazing incredible man who will be crowned hero and king because he was in the background looking out for my best interest all along! Hugs to all and a kiss to my #1guy!!!