Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Full and complete restoration phase II advancing

And to explain why I have vrntured ouy of my ministry for courtship to marry within it is explained through jacob and esau and that God raises up like Esther but if one is not willing God will raise up other Esther's and in my case Mr. Rights and my kings, so I became the Esther and now I am waiting for my king to take his rightful place in the intricate balance persuasion and conquist that is due to me & ME realizing I can not be dissapointed or made to feel fear the way I did and how we get there is starting to all come as a unit and do all of our parts with excellence finding just one reason to thank Almighty God for our lives and everyone around us. There are no more tears of sadness just joy in order to live a long life to the fullest which is to absolutely everyone's benefit everywhere in all situations so we can all be rewarded.

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